Random Girl Strikes Again

All things wise and wonderful... and some really dumb... and mostly random

Saturday, January 31, 2004


I just want to say first and foremost that the Barenaked Ladies is my most favorite band ever. I know that statements such as that are usually uttered by preteen girls about someone like New Kids on the Block (Jon was my favorite!) and then change in about a minute. This is not one of those statements. This is a declaration of complete and utter worship and appreciation for all the wonderfulness that is BNL. I've tried several times to explain to people how I feel about this group and all I can ever seem to get out is that a tidal wave of complete joy wells up inside of me when I listen to their music and makes me feel like I am going to burst with happiness. I have an embarrassing habit of making these weird squeaky noises when something makes me happy. When it comes to BNL I overload on this impulse, can't make a sound, and end up grinning from ear to ear and quivering while making this high pitched humming noise. I know, I'm strange. I just can't help it. I have a couple of their CD's and one DVD. I haven't gone crazy and bought everything they have ever done. I just really enjoy them. I mean, have you ever had a tape that you listened to every morning and every evening on your way to work, plus listened to it at home for over a year and never got tired of it and were sad when it ended?? My tape was a compilation of Barenaked Ladies songs and it's still in my car in the tape deck now. I made the tape back in 1999.

The catalyst for this gushfest? I have a wedding anniversary coming up soon. My first in fact. "How can that be?" you ask. "Haven't you been married for almost four years now?" Yes I have, but it's still possible. We got married on Leap Year Day, February 29, 2000. 7 came to my school and told me that the next day was Leap Year Day. Jokingly I said, "Hey ya wanna get married?" and the rest is history. It's actually kind of a funny story, but it's a bit off topic.
So, my anniversary is coming up and I happened to be looking around on eBay the other day and saw a bunch of tickets being sold for a Barenaked Ladies show in March in LA at the Universal Amphitheater. After I picked myself up off the floor, I told 7 that is what I wanted for my present. We decided that since we were only going to have an actual anniversary every four years, that we'd have to do something big. This would be the best present ever!! Wait... I take that back. The best present ever would be going to a Barenaked Ladies concert with my hot husband and George Clooney, and getting backstage passes too. I'll settle for tickets though.

Hey if anyone who happens to read this has any sort of connections that could get me backstage passes... I'd love you forever. Really I would.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Hair Update
I've gone back to dark brown. I felt that right now I needed to be more sensible since I'll be looking for work again soon. I also needed another haircut and still hadn't bought more bleach and the do was lookin kind of weird. I had a box of dark color left over so I just threw that on my head.

Ok, ok.. I admit I had an ulterior motive. We were going to be going to a babyshower for the wife of a guy I had a crush on my whole childhood and into high school. Being the dork that I am, I panicked and made a rash decision based on the fact that I wanted to look good for someone I hadn't seen in over 10 years. Never mind the fact that David is married with a baby on the way... it was all about me. So anyways, me and my dark hair went to the shower and had a really great time. His wife is really cool and I'd even be friends with her if the chance arose. Not likely seeing as they live out at the country club and we live with my folks and beg for money... heehee. I also decided that my husband was way hotter than David turned out to be. When I told 7 that he looked at me as if I were nuts. "Yeah honey, I was really worried about that," he said with extreme sarcasm. Well, sorry I just happen to be sooo much better than all your ex girlfriends that there is just no comparison. Anyways!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Lo and behold... A new post!!!

Ok, so stuff that's happened since I last blogged.... um, not much really. I've yet to bleach my hair again. It's about half dark now since it began growing at light speed for some reason after I bleached it the first time back in November. I kind of ran out of money in the hair reconstruction fund. I need to rebleach it and pick a color. I had the stylist put in some pink glue stuff last time I got it cut and I rather liked it. I think it'll look much better once I get it bleached all the way out.

Kids are doing well. Charlie had the stomach flu and puked on me several times in a row one night. She managed to hold it in till we had gotten her washed and redressed and I had put on a new shirt... then she let fly. It was pretty gross, but not as bad as I had imagined. I ended up sick enough to go to the urgent care the next day. I don't usually go to the doctor but I was to the point that I wanted someone to kill me rather than have another bout of dry heaves. I figured that they would maybe bump me up on the priority list in the waiting room since I kept running into the bathroom to puke, but I was there for almost 2 hours. The doctor ended up giving me two Tylenol and a saline IV. I was really embarrassed when I felt better almost immediately.

Living with my folks is a bit sketchy still. We're butting heads about all kinds of stupid things. My mom refuses to talk to 7 about things that bug her and has be deliver messages to him. That puts me in a weird position since everyone wants to kill the messenger these days. I hate being in the middle, but have no choice in the matter if I want my folks and husband to get along. We're working on getting out of there as soon as possible.

7 has his social security card and will soon have his ID card too. All his DMV crap is almost cleared up too. It's mostly a matter of getting the money together to pay all the assorted fees and for gas to get to LA and back. I have to keep getting on 7 to get this stuff done. Lately Pokemon have been taking up a lot of his time. I feel like smashing the stinking gameboy into about a thousand pieces.

My sister is leaving for Brazil tomorrow for about 3 weeks. I hope everything goes well there and she doesn't get mugged or eaten by piranhas. She's got about $2,300 worth of camera equipment on her. She's using the trip for her senior project for her broadcasting degree. 7 and my dad went a little nuts getting all this great equipment online for her. I'd find them in the computer room at night in ecstasy over some new digital camera they found for like $5 less than on the last site. It was pretty funny.

Ok, well I've got to get these babies in bed now. My folks are down south to see my sister off at the airport so I've got a chance at some alone time with my hubby... something that is extremely rare these days. I just hope he doesn't find some infomercial or something that catches his attention till 4 a.m. again. I'm going to start calling the tv his girlfriend. Till next time.....