Random Girl Strikes Again

All things wise and wonderful... and some really dumb... and mostly random

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Look out... she's gonna blow!!

So a weekend of boozing and 7's chili has left me a gassy mess. It also took its toll on our friends as well. Our friend Dave started his new job yesterday and was apparently letting loose all day. Hopefully they won't fire him for that. I've been a mess too. My stomach rumbles incessantly and I've been farting so much Oliver's sides hurt. He thinks it's the funniest thing in the world when momma lets one.

I have started to see a pattern in my blog. I tend to blog after a night out, which usually includes drinking. Let me just say that I am not a drunk. Really. I just don't usually find a whole lot in my regular life to blog about so y'all get the highlights. And the hangover reports. So I didn't blog yesterday because I was a little hungover again and I didn't want two hangover reports in a row. Besides, I wasn't thinking straight and I really hate to write a crappy entry.

We had a fun get together on Sunday. We've got to do it more often because I really enjoy getting to see people. I have to admit though that I had a specific reason for this party. I've developed a crush on one of 7's friends from the acting group. Well, I've had a crush on him for a long time, I just hadn't seen him in a few years so it wasn't a big deal. Once 7 got involved with the Rat group and I saw Matt, it all started up again. I'm driving 7 a bit crazy with my blatent admiration of the guy. He's just so cute. That's all it is. I think he's adorable and he's a lot of fun to hang out with because he's got a great sense of humor and is goofy. All the same attributes I love about my darling husband. I've had a million crushes and this is just one more, and it is sure to pass soon. In the meantime though, I'll enjoy my juvenile stupidity.

We had about 15 people here in all and suprisingly it went really well. I was worried we wouldn't have enough space for everyone, but we all managed to find a spot to settle. We had planned to do a barbeque and make chili, but were running late as usual and ended up only having the chili and party munchies. Everyone got enough to eat though and some people even took some chili home. And we had a boat load of liquor. That was the main thing people came for I think. We played CatchPhrase for a while and it was a lot of fun, as always. That is one of the best party games ever. We've heard from most of the people who came and they had a great time. That makes me feel good since I don't have much experience as a hostess or with parties. I'd really like to do this again soon. Maybe we can have a theme next time. Bwaa hahahahahaha.


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